04 November 2012

Sistrunk talks (really) at the Acquisition Lab/LARC meeting tomorrow

Magda Oiry writes:

Walter Sistrunk will finally present his work in the lab acquisition / LARC meeting:

The Syntax of Zero in African American Relative Clauses

Relative clauses in African American are distinct from those used in Standard English. The purpose of this study is to give a description of the observed patterns and to discover the principles at work which explain why these distinct patterns exist in both African American and Standard English. Pesetsky & Torrego’s (2003) (P&T) analysis of relative clause subject-nonsubject asymmetry accounts for zero object relatives while restricting zero subject relatives. However, an analysis that restricts zero subject relatives poses a problem for African American English (AAE), where zero object relatives and zero subject relatives occur. I argue P&T’s (2003) analysis can still account for zero subject relatives if we considered other move operations in AAE.

We will meet in Herter 301 at 12.

Everyone is welcome!