15 February 2015

Call for papers: Northwest Linguistics Conference

For nearly thirty years the Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC) has been held, on an alternating basis, by linguistics graduate students at four major universities in British Columbia and Washington State: the University of Washington, the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and the University of Victoria.
The upcoming 31st NWLC will take place at the University of Victoria on the 25th and 26th of April, 2015, with the aim of fostering the ongoing exchange of ideas between students involved in all areas of linguistics. Abstracts are now being accepted for both oral and poster presentations. Oral presentations will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions, and the poster presentation will be 1 hour. Presenters of both types will have the opportunity to submit a short (maximum 10-page) proceedings paper of their research (submissions to be received before June 1st, 2015) which will be published in Vol. 25 of the Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle of the University of Victoria: http://web.uvic.ca/~wplc/
Abstracts should be submitted online at http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/NWLC2015 by Feb. 2, 2015 (now extended to Feb.16th, 2015)*. Abstracts should be maximum 300 words in length excluding illustrations and references, and include at least 3 keywords. Your name or affiliation should not appear in the body of your abstract; instead, please include these in the body of your email along with your paper title, and whether you have a preference for either an oral or poster presentation, or both.