26 April 2015

Postdoc at Hebrew University

The Language, Logic and Cognition Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (http://scholars.huji.ac.il/llcc) is looking for post-doctoral fellows. Earliest start date: Fall 2015. The positions are initially for one year, renewable for another year. The ideal candidate for a position is someone who already submitted their Phd dissertation, is working in syntax, semantics and/or formal pragmatics, and has an interest in experimental work. The fellow will be primarily a member of the LLCC but will also have an opportunity to interact extensively with members of the Department of Linguistics and the Safra Center for Brain Science (ELSC). Apart from contributing to the research environment of the LLCC and pursuing their own research, the fellow will have some (minor) local responsibilities. Pay: 7,500-10,500 NIS per month (Euro 1,750-2,400). Applicants should send a CV, a 1-page research statement, and a link to their publications to Luka Crnic (luka.crnic@mail.huji.ac.il) or to Yosef Grodzinsky (yosef.grodzinsky@mail.huji.ac.il), to whom all inquiries should be addressed.