Anisa Schardl writes:
For the past 7 years, linguists have participated in the annual Hot Chocolate Run. Let's make it 8!
The Hot Chocolate Run is a 3K walk or 5K race or 5K fun run, followed by consumption of hot chocolate. You pay money to register, and this money goes to Safe Passage, an organization that helps domestic violence survivors in the area. And you get a commemorative mug to keep.
HCR website:
Safe Passage website:
This year's HCR is on Sunday morning, December 7th. They are expecting registration to sell out in only about 6 weeks this year, so we'd better get on it!
Here's what you do: Go to the website and register. You have to say whether you're walking or running, but you can change your mind later, so don't worry too much about that. When you register, you are welcome to join the team Linguists & Friends. Then, email me and tell me that you're participating, and I can arrange for us to meet up.
Here's the registration site:
If you can't make it, but you still want to support Safe Passage, feel free to sponsor one of us! You can just go to this website and search by name or by team. (Our team is "Linguists & Friends”.)