28 September 2014

Yesterday's Open House

John Kingston writes:

Yesterday's open house and house warming in the Linguistics Department's new space in the north wing of the fourth floor of the Integrative Learning Center was crowded with linguists and guests, adults and infants, current students and old. Dean Julie Hayes spoke to us about the new space, the Department's new endowment, and the future of our old space in South College. We lunched, had a poster session, slide show, and tour, including gazing out the window at the top of the stairs at the green roof, then spent a long time in N400 looking at photos of past and present members of the department, and finally wound up with stronger drink and appetizers. (The posters will remain up until they can be updated with newer evidence of the great linguistics we're doing. Reading them is a great way, too, to find out what your colleagues in other areas are doing.) A new game was even introduced, Gobblets.

I'd like to especially thank the students who helped hang posters, display slides, get the rooms shipshape to show off, bring the food and drink, and do everything else that made the day a success. They are:

Caroline Andrews

Sakshi Bhatia

Michael Clauss

Ivy Hauser

Leland Kusmer

Coral Hughto

Jyoti Iyer

Jon-Ander Mendia

Claire Moore-Cantwell

Amanda Rysling

Shayne Sloggett

Megan Somerday

Robert Staubs