08 April 2012

Luiz Amaral speaks in the LARC/Acquisition Lab

Tomorrow, April 9, at 5:20 PM in the Partee Room (301 South College), Luiz Amaral will give a talk entitled "Experimental ideas to test recursion and verb morphology in Wapichana," at the LARC/Acquisition Lab meeting.

All are welcome!

Syntax Guru, Hamida Demirdache, takes up residence

Hamida Demirdache, director of the Laboratoire de Linguistique de Nante and professor of linguistics at University of Nantes, will be taking up her guru duties on Monday, April 9th, until Thursday, April 26th. Professor Demirdache has done extensive work on resumptive pronouns and, in recent years, has worked on the syntax and semantics of questions and on the first language acquisition of constituent questions. She is also known for her work on tense, and its interaction with modals and aspect.

You can find her hanging out in the guru office (aka Barbara Partee's office), on the third floor of South College. If you'd like to make an appointment with her, she can be emailed at hamida.demirdache@univ-nantes.fr

Hamida is wonderful to talk to. Take advantage of her guruness early and often!

Yangsook Park speaks at PsychoSyntax meeting on Friday

Brian Dillon writes:

The PsychoSyntax meetings ride again for a final time this semester on 4/13. Yangsook will be talking to us about "Embedded Topic in Korean". The meeting time is the usual time / place: 10am in the Partee room.

See you there!

Alice Harris speaks at Undergraduate Ling Club

Jeremy Cahill writes:

Prof. Alice Harris will be speaking on Georgian on April 11. All undergrads are invited and pizza will be provided.

Alice Harris (UMass Amherst)
"Georgian Language Case-Marking Systems"
Wednesday, April 11 at 5:15 PM
301 South College (across from DuBois Library)

RSVP, please: jccahill@student.umass.edu

Hamida Demirdache speaks at department colloq

The syntax guru, Hamida Demirdache, will be speaking at the department colloquium this Friday, April 13, at 3:30 in Machmer E-37.

The title of her talk is "Crossover and reconstruction resumptive puzzles. Wholesale VERY late merger."

Final Call for Papers: ESSLLI 2012

Final Call for Papers

Held during
The 24th European Summer School
in Logic, Language and Information

Opole, Poland, August 6-17, 2012



The Student Session of the 24th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) will take place in Opole, Poland on August 6-17, 2012. We invite submissions of original, unpublished work from students in any area at the intersection of Logic & Language, Language & Computation, or Logic & Computation. 

Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field, and accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters and will appear in the student session proceedings. This is an excellent opportunity to receive valuable feedback from expert readers and to present your work to a diverse audience.

ESSLLI 2012 will feature a wide range of foundational and advanced courses and workshops in all areas of Logic, Language, and Computation. Consult the main ESSLLI website (link below) for further information.


In 2012, Springer has again continued its generous support for the Student Session by offering € 1000 in prizes. These include a a € 500 for Best Paper and € 500 for Best Poster. The prizes are awarded best on the reviews of the submission as well as the oral presentation.


Authors must be students, i.e., may not have received the Ph.D. degree before August 2012. All submissions must be in PDF format and be submitted to the conference EasyChair website. Submissions may be singly or jointly authored. No one may submit more than one singly and one jointly authored paper.

There are two types of papers. Long papers of up to 8 pages will be considered for both oral presentation and the poster session. Short papers of up to 4 pages will be considered as submissions for the poster session.
We strive for posters getting the longest possible exposure during ESSLLI 2012.

Submissions must be anonymous, without any identifying information ready for blind peer review, and must be must be received by April 30, 2012.

More detailed guidelines regarding submission can be found on the Student Session website:http://loriweb.org/ESSLLI2012StuS/
Links to previous years' proceedings are also available there.

Submission of papers: April 30
Notification deadline: June 10 (in time to make early registration for ESSLLI with reduced fee)
Submission of camera-ready papers: July 1
Conference dates: August 6-17

All accepted papers will be available in online proceedings.
A Springer volume in the LNCS series with the best papers of 2008-2009 have been published, and a similar volume for 2010-2011 is in preparation. We aspire to a forthcoming volume for 2012-2013.

Please direct inquiries about submission procedures or other matters relating to the Student Session to esslli2012stus@loriweb.org.

For general inquiries about ESSLLI 2012, please consult the main ESSLLI 2012 page,http://esslli2012.pl/.

Call for papers: Mass/Count

First call for papers
International Multidisciplinary Colloquium:
Mass/Count in Linguistics, Philosophy and Cognitive Science

December 20-21, 2012
ENS-Paris, France

The aim of this colloquium is to provide a platform of exchange between linguists, philosophers and psychologists, working the different aspects of the mass/count distinction. Such a resolutely interdisciplinary approach is indeed necessary to fully apprehend the new questions that are presently arising in connection to the mass/count distinction. This multidisciplinary conference aspires to move this scientific debate forward, and contribute to the evolution of current methodology.

A more detailed description of the scientific scope of this colloquium is available at: http://mass-count.sciencesconf.org/

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

-       Alternative approaches to standard extensional mereology
-      Analysis of the (quasi-)classifier role on nouns in constructions like “the town of Paris”
-      The mass/count distinction in connection to non-sortal nouns like “the kind” of “the type”, etc.
-       Plurality and individuation of reference
-       Syntactic mapping
-       Experimental psychology and assessment of theoretical analyses


We invite submissions of anonymous two-page abstracts including references, for a 30-minute talk.

All submissions must be made exclusively electronically via the website:
The heading “Submission” appears only after having registered on the SciencesConf website.
Important: for authors affiliated to a French institution, during the submission procedure, under the heading “Affiliation”, the authors will necessarily have to provide the EPST code of their laboratory (e.g. for the CNRS and the university, it will be of the form UMRxxxx, EAxxxx, etc.).

• David Barner (UCSD)
• Almerindo Ojeda (UCDavis)
• Beyon-Uk Yi (Toronto University)
• Anne Zribi-Herts (Paris 8 University)


Deadline for submissions: June 29, 2012

Notification: September 3, 2012
Conference: Paris, December 20-21, 2012