17 January 2016

Call for papers: AFLA

The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

10-12 June 2016

Invited speakers

Edith Aldridge (University of Washington)

Paul Kroeger (Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics/SIL International)

Hooi Ling Soh (University of Minnesota) [special session on discourse particles]

Important dates

Extended Submission deadline : 20 January 2016

Notification of review : 15 March 2016

Conference : 10-12 June 2016

AFLA is an organization which promotes the study of Austronesian languages from a formal perspective. Since the initial meeting in 1994, AFLA has served as a forum for the presentation of new research in all of the core areas of formal linguistics, including (but not limited to) phonology, linguistic typology, morphology, semantics and syntax. AFLA has a history of bringing together leading scholars, native speaker-linguists, and junior scholars in the formal study of Austronesian languages.

More information, including information about past AFLA meetings, can be found at http://westernlinguistics.ca/afla/

Call for papers: Symposium on American Indian Languages

Abstracts are invited for papers on any aspect of linguistic analysis, language documentation, and revitalization of American Indian languages.

Special Session: Language Revitalization Strategies in the Americas: Challenges, Success and Pitfalls

The special session will be devoted to papers focusing on language revitalization methods.

Parasession: Documentation, Description & Theory

The parasession welcomes papers on language documentation (especially those that make use of digital technologies), and descriptive and/or theoretical work that draw their data from fieldwork.

All papers will be considered for inclusion in a peer-reviewed publication.

Plennary Speakers:
Leanne Hinton, University of California, Berkeley
Ofelia Zepeda, University of Arizona, Tucson

Submission Process:

Abstracts should be up to 500 words or less (excluding examples and/or references) for papers.

Abstracts should include:
(a) Title
(b) Name of author(s) and affiliation (if any)
(c) Session (special or parasession)

Paper presentations will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.

Please submit your abstract in .pdf format by email to sail@rit.edu (with the subject: “Abstract - SAIL2016”)

Submission Deadline: January 31, 2016.

(Authors will be notified of acceptance by the end of February 2016).

For more information, go here.

Call for papers: Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses

Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses is a São Paulo School on Advanced Sciences, supported by the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP), and will be held from March 21th to April 6th, at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. 

The purpose of this school is twofold: (i) to introduce early career researchers to the latest developments in data collection and linguistic research on native languages, and (ii) to pave the way for new uses of linguistic fieldwork, with mutual benefits for both linguists and the indigenous populations. Drawing on the vast experience of the researchers of the several partner institutions in documentation, corpus linguistics and formal linguistic theory, we will present/discuss possibilities not previously pursued: extensive comparison across native languages to build taxonomies and phylogenetic models of transmission, oral corpora and a new objective and unbiased grammatical terminology, reflecting the speakers' original intuitions and potentially revealing truly universal building blocks of language and cognition. All these new tools should feed into literacy projects for the local communities, raising their own meta-linguistic and cultural awareness (in a non-intrusive way).

We expect students form several universities of Brazil, Argentina, Great-Britain, Australia and United States to attend, resulting in about 100 students.


— Languages and cultures of Brazil 

— Introduction to phylogetic methods in Linguistics

— How to work on digital oral corpora syntactic annotation

— Experimental and computational methods in Phonology and Morphology

— Music, Language, and Documentation in Australia

— Experimental semantics, number and language

The workshop is mainly directed to postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students. Master's degree students are also invited to apply, although their acceptance is not prioritary. In order to apply for attendance, an abstract for a poster presentation is requested.

Participants with approved works will be provided flight tickets to the workshop city (Campinas). 

The workshop welcomes works on indigenous languages in any subfield of linguistics, being it formal or functional, theoretical or experimental. Abstracts will be evaluated by two members of the organizing committee according to the following criteria: relevance of the topic, presence of theoretical orientation, proper research design, results, textual features and contribution to the field. 

Abstracts should be no more than 1 page, minimum 12pt size font and 1 inch margins. Abstract submissions should be sent through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pfilnu2016).

Additionally, please submit to our email (pfilnu@gmail.com) the following documents: 

a) A letter of intention

b) A university transcript

c) Your CV

Submissions deadline: 15-February-2016

For more information, go here.