Barbara Partee writes:
The Linguist List fund drive is up and running, and the hard economic times mean they need our help more than ever. I've been urging and helping Russian linguists to donate, but just now realized that as of today (March 9) I don't see any donations from UMass! (I'm one of the Linguist List "Advisors", so I have to save my donation for the "Advisors' Challenge" at the end.) Remember that students can and should donate too! Everyone should! You can choose what university to give credit to with your donation -- it can be your undergraduate school, your graduate school, your employer, where you're visiting right now -- up to you! (Hint: UMass is not a bad choice if you have any connection to it at all, and if you're reading WHISC, then you do!) The "Graduate School Challenge" is just a friendly philanthropic competition, but I would love to see us do well in it! Linguist List is doing more and more, and the fund drive money ALL goes to support E.M.U. graduate students who work on Linguist List -- they deserve our thanks and support!