10 April 2011

Abels gives colloq on Friday, April 15


Klaus Abels will give the colloquium on Friday, April 15, at 3:30 in Machmer E37. Professor Abels is this year's syntax guru, and can be found in Barbara Partee's office on the third floor of South College. He will be in residence until the end of the month.

The title and abstract of his talk follow.

Where does the fine structure of the left periphery come from?

Ever since Rizzi's (1997) paper on the fine structure of the left periphery it has often been taken for granted that an explanation of the order of elements in the left periphery should take the form of a fine-grained, stipulated hierarchy of dedicated functional heads. In this talk I suggest that the order of elements in the left periphery instead follows to a large extent directly from considerations of locality without the need to invoke a cartographic template for the left periphery. I claim that both empirical and explanatory gains can be made by this shift in perspective.