The Forty-First meeting of the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages will meet May 5-7 at Ottawa University. The program includes papers by several members of the UMass linguistics community. Maria Biezma is presenting her paper "Conditional Inversion and Pragmatic Presupposition: Spanish and English." and Magda Oiry is presenting (with Nicolas Guilliot) "Some questions (and answers) about cleft sentences." UMass alumn Ana Perez-Leroux co-presents two papers "Pousse-le! Clitic production across tasks in young French-speaking Children" and "The role of semantic transfer in clitic drop among Chinese L1-Spanish L2 bilinguals. Recent visitors Maria Cabrera-Callís ("Morphologically conditioned intervocalic rhotacism in Algherese Ctalan: an account with lexically indexed constraints) and Francesc Torres-Tamarit ("The right path towards underapplication in Harmonic Serialism: Evidence from glide strengthening in Spanish") are also giving talks.
The full program can be found at: