Joe Pater writes:
On Tuesday April 26th the McCarthy-Pater grant group will meet at 4 pm in SC 301 to discuss goals for future development of OT-Help. For those of you who have been working with the software, please classify your suggestions on the 6-point scale below.
On Tuesday May 3rd at 10 am the Experimental Phonology Working Group will hear a presentation by Michael Becker and Lena Fainleib on "The naturalness of product-oriented generalizations". A draft of the paper can be found here (
OT-Help Wishlist
1 - I needed this feature for something and was inconvenienced by not having it.
2 - I wanted this feature but got by without it
3 - I want this feature
4 - I think this feature is a good idea
5 - I need this feature but I can get it elsewhere
6 - I want this feature but I can get it elsewhere