R(utgers)UM(ass)MIT, the annual area meeting of phoneticians and phonologists, meets Monday, May 16, in Rutgers. The talks this year include:
From Rutgers:
Vandana Bajaj -- Hindi Bilingual Joke Wellformedness: A Study of
Laryngeal Contrast Perceptibility
Aaron Braver -- (Im)perceptible incomplete neutralization: Two
experiments on flapping in American English
Peter Staroverov -- Sonority and the acoustics of Russian word-final
consonant clusters
from UMass:
Kevin Mullin -- The Necessity of Diacritics for Descriptive Adquacy
Claire Moore-Cantwell -- Epenthesis Typology in Harmonic Serialism
Brian Smith -- Paradigm Gaps and Spell-Out in OT and HG
From MIT
Suyeon Yun -- String-based domains of duration preservation
Coppe van Urk -- On the distribution of clashes
For more information, get in touch with John Kingston.