Seth Cable writes:
The first full meeting of UMAFLAB (UMass Funny Languages Breakfast)
will take place *Thursday*, September 22 at 9AM in *Bartlett 11* (note
day and room change).
At this meeting, Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten will present some of the
results of fieldwork this summer, examining modals in Navajo.
As noted above, the day and location of our meetings have changed. In
order to accommodate everyone's schedule, our meetings will take place
*Thursday* mornings at 9AM. Unfortunately, this means we won't be able
to meet in the Partee room, since the McCarthy-Pater grant group meets
there at that time. However, Brian Dillon has very generously offered
up his lab meeting room, which is in Bartlett 11.
At today's organizational meeting, we put together the following
schedule of meetings for the remainder of the term:
Thursday 9/22 (9AM, Bartlett 11):
Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten (Navajo Modals)
Thursday 10/6 (9AM, Bartlett 11):
Rex Wallace (A puzzle concerning Etruscan)
Thursday 10/20 (9AM, Bartlett 11):
Suzi Lima (Projects on Yudja and Kawaiwete)
Thursday 11/3 (9AM, Bartlett 11):
Jérémy Pasquereau (Projects on languages of Caucasus)
Thursday 11/17 (9AM, Bartlett 11):
Seth Cable (Tlingit Distributive Numerals or Multiple Tenses in Kikuyu)
[note: I'm happy to drop my slot if another student would like to
Thursday 12/1 (9AM, Bartlett 11):
Emiliana Cruz (Projects on Chatino language)
Thursday 12/15:
Possible extra date, if we'd like to do it.
If you'd like to get on the e-mail list for future meetings, please
just drop me an e-mail letting me know.