Barbara and Volodja will be hosting the start of the year potluck picnic at their house, 50 Hobart Lane, on Saturday, September 15. The festivities begin at 3:30.
This is *the* event of the Fall: the one time that the extensive linguistics community in the Pioneer Valley gathers to catch up, share news, show off the kids, introduce new sweethearts, friends and wardrobes.
Hobart Lane is a small street that goes east off North Pleasant just a short distance north of the university, opposite Puffton Village, near the Crestview /Presidential Apartments bus stop. 50 Hobart Lane is a big white house on the left, near the end. The street sign may be missing; but in that case it’s the only street around there with a pole but no sign. Hobart lane is very near the Crestview/Presidential Apartments bus stop. Bring things to eat, international foods are encouraged! The eating generally begins at 4:30 or so. There will be a charcoal grill, and a little beer --- bring drinks too.