16 September 2012

S Reading Group fires up

Anisa Schardl writes:

It's the fall, and that means that SRG is starting up again!  SRG, formerly known as the syntax/semantics reading group(s), is a group that meets about every two weeks on Thursday evenings over dinner and drinks.  Usually, someone presents on whatever they're currently working on.  This is a way for the s-siders in the department to keep up to date with each other's work.  It's also a great place to give practice talks!

I would like to claim the first slot of the semester to give a practice talk.  It's on work this Elizabeth and I did this summer, and it's semantically inclined.  I also happen to be busy on the appropriate Thursday, so I'm moving that weeks' SRG to Wednesday evening, September 19th.

After that, we have no one signed up!  So, I would like to invite s-siders to volunteer to give practice talks or just talk about what they've been working on.  Other than practice talks, we like to keep these presentations as informal as possible, so don't worry if it's not polished!  Email me if you'd like to present!  Here are some open dates:

October 4th
October 18th
November 1st
November 15th
November 29th

Finally, the SRG calendar can be found here:


If you need help importing it into iCal or something, just let me know.