Brian Dillon and Rajesh Bhatt write:
The PsychoSyntax meetings ride again! Once again we'll be meeting biweekly to hear from folks about research going on locally in syntax, adult language comprehension, and related topics / issues.
We'll be having an organizational meeting at 11am on Wednesday, 9/12, in Bartlett 11. The goal of this meeting will be just to figure out a meeting time that works for everyone for this semester, and try to hammer out a presentation schedule for the semester. Everyone is invited, and we'd especially like to encourage people to think about coming and presenting unfinished (and maybe even not-yet-begun) projects! If you're in the beginning stages of a project, and just want to talk through your ideas, this is a good forum to get useful feedback.
If you can't make the Wednesday meeting, no worries; just send me a message letting me know when you are available for meetings, and whether you have something you'd like to talk about at one of our meetings. And if you'd like to be added to the PsychoSyntax email list, drop me a line to let me know.