16 December 2012

Call for Papers: ESSLLI

First Call for Papers

Held during
The 25th European Summer School
in Logic, Language and Information

Düsseldorf, Germany, August 5-16, 2013

Deadline for submissions: April 1st, 2013


The Student Session of the 25th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) will take place in Düsseldorf, Germany on August 5-16, 2013. We invite submissions of original, unpublished work from students in any area at the intersection of Logic & Language, Language & Computation, or Logic & Computation. Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field, and accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters and will appear in the student session proceedings in Springer. This is an excellent opportunity to receive valuable feedback from expert readers and to present your work to a diverse audience.

A SEPARATE POSTER SESSION: Note that this year there are two separate kinds of submissions, one for the oral presentations and one for the posters. This means that papers can be directly submitted as posters. Reviewing and ranking will be done separately. We particularly encourage submissions for posters.

More detailed guidelines regarding submission can be found on the Student Session website: http://stus2013.loriweb.org/, (links to previous years' proceedings are also available there).

Please direct inquiries about submission procedures or other matters relating to the Student Session to margotcolinet@gmail.com

For general inquiries about ESSLLI 2013, please consult the main ESSLLI 2013 page, http://esslli2013.de/.