20 January 2013

UMass at the LSA

The annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America met January 3-6 in Boston this year, and UMass were well represented in the poster sessions. These included:

Andrew Weir, poster: "Article drop in headlines: failure of CP level Agree"

Anisa Schardl, poster: "Simple partial movement and clefts"

Nick LaCara: "*On the table lay a book, and on the sofa did too: ellipsis, inversion and why they are bad together"

Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten and Anisa Scheardl "Expressing uncertainty with "gisa" in Tshangla"


Jeremy Hartman, with Paul Marty, Peter Graff, Steven Keyed: "Biases in word learning: the case of non-myopic predicates"