The 35th annual meeting of the German Society of Linguistics was held in Potsdam March 12-15, and UMass was well represented. Tom Roeper gave a talk entitled "What should a theory of interfaces tell us about the acquisition path for discourse coherence?" UMass alumnus Jeff Runner gave a talk entitled "Syntactic Structure, information structure, and lexical effects on null and overt subject conprehension in Spanish." Tracy Conner gave her talk "Overt functional heads license ellipsis: a unified account of VP-ellipsis and ellipsis in possessive DPs." Nick LaCara gave his talk " Inversion, deletion, and focus in as-parentheticals." UMass alumnus Florian Schwarz gave a talk entitled "Weak definites and Kinds of Events." Ellen Woolford gave her talk "A hybrid approach to agreement typology: MP+OT." And, finally, UMass alumnus Winfried Lechner gave a talk entitled "Notes on the Duke of York." Nick has sent the following photos as proof.