12 May 2013

Call for papers: Countability Workshop in Düsseldorf

Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address theoretical or empirical issues (i) in the study of the mass/count distinction in the nominal domain as well as (ii) the parallel distinction(s) in the verbal domain.

Topics of particular interest include (but are not limited to):

- cognitive basis of countability, its grammatical manifestations and sources for the cross-linguistic variation in its encoding

- relations between count and non-count meanings, sort-shifting, type-shifting, and coercion

- vagueness and gradations of individuation, mess and neat mass nouns

- parallels and differences in the counting and measuring for noun and verb meanings

- corpus-based and psychological evidence for the distinction between count and non-count meanings

- computational modeling

Submission Details

Abstracts must be anonymous, no longer than 2 pages, in PDF format and sent via email to countability.ddorf.submit@gmail.com. Prospective speakers may submit abstracts for one single-authored and one co-authored paper. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Abstracts should not include the authors’ names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references.

After submitting your abstract, please send a separate email to countability.ddorf.submit@gmail.com with the following information:

- Title of the talk

- Name of author(s)

- Affiliation(s)

- Address(es)

- Phone number(s)

- Email address(es)

Important dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: July 1, 2013

Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2013

Workshop: September 16-17, 2013

Invited Speakers

David Barner (University of California at San Diego)

Gennaro Chierchia (Harvard University)

Jenny Doetjes (Leiden University)

Scott Grimm (Pompeu Fabra University)

Manfred Krifka (Humboldt University and Center for General Linguistics, Berlin)

Fred Landman (Tel Aviv University)

Susan Rothstein (Bar Ilan University)

Tobias Stadtfeld (Bochum University)

Roberto Zamparelli (University of Trento)

Conference Organizers

Hana Filip (Heinrich Heine University)

Christian Horn (Heinrich Heine University)



Submission of abstracts
