02 November 2014

UMass at BUCLD

This weekend Boston University hosts the Thirty Ninth annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. UMass is represented by:

A. Aravind and Jill de Villiers (poster) "Implicit alternatives insufficient for children's SIs with some"

Suzi Lima, P. Li and J. Snedeker ``Acquiring the denotation of object-denoting nouns in a language without partitives.''

A. Pace, P. Yust, J. de Villiers, A. Iglesias, M. Wilson, K. Hirsh-Pasek, R. Golinkoff, A. Takahesu Tabori, K. Strother-Garcia, K. Ridge: Examining the Validity of a Computer-Based Language Assessment for Preschool Children

Mike Clauss ``The Syntax and Semantics of Free Relative Clauses in Child English.''

Valentina Brunetto and Tom Roeper: "Are rare constructions late in acquisition? The case of near-reflexivity"

C. Lindenbergh, A. van Hout, B. Hollebrandse: "The acquisition of sentence ellipsis in Dutch preschoolers"

S. Shittu and Ann-Michelle Tessier: "Perceptual attrition of lexical tone among L1 Yoruba-speaking children in Canada"

A. Perez-Leroux, A. Castilla-Earls, T. Peterson, D. Massam, S. Bejar: "Children’s acquisition of complex modification"

B. Zurer Pearson: "Linguistic and pragmatic ambiguity in quantified expressions: Implications for mathematics teaching and testing of monolingual and bilingual students"