Lisa Selkirk writes:
Pioneering phonologist and pioneer in the study of the syntactic conditioning of tonal and segmental phenomena in the sentence in Bantu languages, Chuck Kisseberth will give a talk on Prosody, Phonological Phrasing, and Focus in Chimiini next Wednesday in Kristine Yu's Phonological Theory class in Room N-458 in the ILC.
For more information about Kisseberth, please consult
In order to provide a normal length time slot for a talk of this sort, it will get an early start at 12:15 (instead of 12:20). The main presentation will last roughly an hour, until 1:15, and there will be a half an hour for discussion, ending at roughly 1:45. Given the constraints of normal class schedules and the unusual time slot, it's understandable that people may have to leave during the discussion session after the talk. Feel free to bring your lunch to the talk.