The Mini-conference, in which generals papers writers present their work, will be Monday, May 4, in ILC N400 starting at 9:15. A schedule of talks follows.
9:15 Coffee
9:30 Ivy Hauser
Dispersion (and lack thereof) in consonant inventories
10:00 Coral Hughto
Typological implications of an Interactive Learning Model
10:30-11:00 Break with refreshments
11:00 Caroline Andrews
Predictive parsing in long distance dependencies
11:30 Ekaterina Vostrikova
"Then" in conditionals
12:00 Sakshi Bhatia
Causation in Hindi-Urdu: Instruments and Subjects
12:30-1:15 Lunch break
1:15-1:45 Leland Kusmer
Constituency paradoxes: Evidence from Akan
1:45-2:15 Jyoti Iyer
Additive and exhaustive readings of Tamil particle -um