The University of Florida Gainesville is hosting the Twenty Ninth meeting of the CUNY conference on Psycholinguistics March 3-5. UMass is represented by:
Lap-Ching Keung and Adrian Staub who are presenting the paper “Closest conjunct agreement in English: A comparison with number attraction."
Alumna Katy Carlson, with Benjamin Lee, Sarah Nelson and Blake Clark, is presenting the poster “Comparative ellipsis has an object bias, though subjects are more frequent."
Caroline Andrews and Brian Dillon are presenting the poster “Computation of Agreement is Verb-Centric Regardless of Word Order."
Alumni Jesse Harris and Katy Carlson are presenting the poster “Correlate not optional: PP sprouting in ‘much less’ ellipsis."
Alumnus Greg Carlson, with Thais M. M. de Sa, Maria Luiza Cunha Lima and Micheal Tanenhause present the poster “Experimental evidence that “weak definite” noun phrases are not interpreted as generics"
Jérémy Pasquereau and Brian Dillon are presenting the poster “Grammaticality illusions are conditioned by lexical item-specific grammatical properties."
Alumna Margaret Grant with Sonia Michniewicz and Jessica Rett present the poster “Incremental interpretation in cases of individual/degree polysemy"
Alumnus Jeff Runner, with Alyssa Ibarra, present the poster “Informational focus in Spanish pronoun resolution: answering the QUD"
Brian Dillon, with Akira Omaki and Zoe Ovans, present the poster “Intrusive reflexive binding inside a fronted wh-predicate."
Brian Dillon, Nicolleta Biondo and Francesco Vespignani present the poster “Structural Constraints strongly determine the attachment of termporal adverbs."
Adrian Staub, with Francesca Foppolo, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati and Vincenzo Moscati present the poster “Minding the gap: The parser avoids relative clause analyses whenever it can."
Alumnus Paul de Lacy, with Karin Stromswold and Gwendolyn Rehrig present the poster “Passive sentences can be predicted by adults."
Shayne Sloggett and Brian Dillon present the poster “Person blocking effects in the processing of English reflexives."
Alumna Margaret Grant with Kelly-Ann Blake and Frederick Gietz present the poster “Prediction and inhibition of syntactic structure: Evidence from either (of the)… or."
Alumnus Jeff Runner, with Yahang Xu, presents the poster “Reflexive Retrieval in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence against the local search hypothesis."
Alumnus Michael Terry and alumna Masako Hirotani, with Erik Thomas and Sandra Jackson present the poster “The processing of third person singular -s by African American English speaking second graders: an auditory ERP study."
Alumnus Keir Moulton, with Kyeong-min Kim and Chung-hye Han, present the poster “The syntax of null objects: evidence from inter-speaker variation."
For more information, go here.