17 May 2015

UMass at Manchester

UMass is well represented at the 23rd Manchester Phonology Meeting, which is taking place May 28-30. 

Alumna Nancy Hall is giving the paper “The phonetics of epenthetic vowels under emphasis spread in Levantine Arabic."

Alumna Karen Jesney is giving the paper “Weighted scalar constraints and implicational process application” with Brian Hsu

Gaja Jarosz is giving the paper “Phonotactic probability and sonority sequencing in Polish initial clusters."

Alumnus Elliott Moreton is giving the paper “Implicit and explicit phonology: what are artificial-language learners really doing?” with Katya Pertsova

Kevin Mullin and Joe Pater are giving the talk “Harmony as iterative domain parsing."

Aleksei Nazarov is giving the paper “Learning as a window on lexical versus grammatical representation of stress."

Alumna Jennifer Smith is giving the paper “Experimental evidence for aggressive core-periphery phonology in Guarani” with Justin Pinta

Alumnus Michael Becker is giving the talk “Fewer grammars, more coverage for the English past tense.” with Blake Allen.

Alumna Gillian Gallagher is giving the talk “The features content of phonotactic restrictions."

Alumnus Brian Smith is giving the talk “A unified constraint-based account of the English indefinite article."

Alongside the Manchester Phonology Meeting there is a workshop entitled “W(h)ither OT?” on May 27th at which several UMassies will be speaking:

Joe Pater gives the talk “Violable constraints in Classical Universalist Phonology and beyond."

Wendell Kimper gives the talk “What changes and what stays the same: is Harmonic Serialism with positive constraints still Optimality Theory?"


Michael Becker gives the talk “MaxEnt as a baseline theory of grammar."